Saturday, November 7, 2009

almost a year

December fourth will mark one year since we became foster parents.  Which means we have been busy getting all of our paper work as well as our house in order for our re-certification. Our home resource coordinator will be coming to the house on Tuesday to do our safety inspection.  We've already submitted all the necessary  paper work.  The only thing left to do is get our cars inspected.

How long is your foster care license good for?


  1. Our foster license and homestudy is good for 3 years. When we get our adoption homestudy we will be good for 2 years.

  2. Adoption homestudies in our state are good for one year at a time, which is a joke because you can't get an adoption done in a year. Foster licenses are for 2 years at a time.

  3. Our homestudies are updated yearly. This is all that we need to do annually outside of training. Car Inspection??? WTH is that?

  4. We have to have a car saftey inspection every year. To ensure we are driving safe cars lol..Costs a small fortune, and we have to foot the bill. My hubby has a 2010 and we still have to get it inspected or her cant transport lil'man..WTF is right.
