Sunday, May 16, 2010

Busy house

Things are going well here in the Sanford home. We're still working on expanding our family, but no such luck yet.  I'll give it a few more months before visiting the doctor.

Lil' Man is still requiring a lot of sleep.  Today we went to wild adventures.  We got there just before 11am, and left just after 3pm.  Lil' Man was so tired he cried on and off until bed time.  Despite the fact that the slept 12 hours the night before.  We haven't been able to pint point it to down to any one thing.  Maybe he just requires a ton of sleep.

We will get the results from the FAS clinic on Tuesday. 

School gets out next week, and Lil' Man will be starting a brand new daycare.  Since he got booted from the other one.

Next Saturday is our second wedding anniversary. Lil' Man is going to respite, and hubby and I are going to the beach for the weekend.  I think the time apart will do as all a little good.

We've got a family beach trip planned the beginning of June, and a road trip planned in July.  Another beach trip planned in August, and a trip to Atlanta in Sept!  We're gonna be busy!


  1. I'm impressed you have your summer adventures all plotted out. We haven't figured out much past next week. Maybe it is the upcoming changes that has Lil' Man tired and needing more sleep? Good luck with the new daycare.

  2. What is the name of the clinic? We are taking our girls to be tested Friday. I don't think it specializes. I wonder if I should rethink where we take them.

  3. The Marcus Autism center in Atlanta, GA. They have an FAS clinic
