Sunday, January 23, 2011

results, a breakdown, a big mess, and no license.

My blood work came back within normal limits, and my ultrasound showed no visible  cysts!

FINALLY good news!

One night last week I had a mini breakdown.  It all started with this little girls photolisting. I would be content adopting now, and trying to have a biological child once The Hubs graduates.  The Hubs on the other hand wants to have a biological child first, and then adopt.  Why do men have to be so difficult?

Our remodeling project is taking much longer than we expected. Partly because we've been slacking, and partly because hanging sheetrock, and moving walls is hard work!

My house is total disaster, sheetrock dust  is everywhere. 

We are very close to becoming licensed, but we cannot have our home inspection due to the remodel. I think we have about three more weekends worth of work, before we will be finished.


  1. You have a lot on your plate that is for sure. The Dr's news was great though.
    Thinking of you always.

  2. good news from the dr! and she is adorable, I can certainly see why you would take interest in her, but men can be so difficult.. I want to take another so bad I can't stand it, but my husband said he wants to wait..not sure on what..but its so frustrating..
    btw, my house is always a mess and we are not remodeling lol :)
