Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Lil’man’s placement date has been changed. He will be staying with us until Oct 7th. The adoptive parents  will have two weekend visits, and they are attending two play therapy sessions.  As well as his psychiatry  apt. 


What seems like common sense to you and I, is above the case workers head… sometimes she drives me insane.

Lil’man has regressed, peeing, and pooping in his pants. Saying bitch, and shut up every five minutes.  Spitting and hitting.  It’s heart breaking. 

Last night while telling him his birth story, he put his hand over my mouth and told me “the end”, just as I was about to talk about his “forever” family.  He wants his story to end here with us being his forever family.

I really hope we are doing the right thing.  I pray to God that he does not disrupt this placement.  I have already told the case worker that we will take him back if things don’t work out.

Keep your fingers crossed. If your the praying type say a little prayer for my blue eyed monster boy.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks..Would you beleive I had to suggest the transition plan? kind of shocking..
