Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Saturday, October 22, 2011
I'm back!
I'm not so sure anyone follows my blog anymore But life has been super crazy the last few months. Being pregnant, and parenting two small children has left no time for blogging. Our two little guys spent a lot of the last few months fighting one infection, cold or stomach bug after the other. It has been very emotionally and physically draining.
When the boys weren't sick we spent our time trying our best to stay cool. We went to the beach, the pool, and the amusement park. We traveled to Virginia, and South Carolina. Being pregnant in 110 degree weather is NO joke. Walking outside in the heat made me sick to my stomach.
When I last blogged in June I told you all that Baby A and Big Brother D were scheduled to go home within 6-8 weeks. The caseworker assured us time, and time again that all was going according to plan. By the time August rolled around bio Mom had quit her job, and had no place to live. By the end of August we were told the boys were up for adoption. We were asked if we wanted to adopt them, but said no due to finical reasons.
My good friend and fellow foster parent had made it clear all along that she and her husband were interested in adopting the boys. The boys moved in with them September 15th. Shortly after they moved in bio Mom cleaned up her act and now the case worker say's (yet again) the the boys will be going home. Why is the system so back and fourth?
I was so annoyed when I found out that they will be going home. Not because I dont support reunification, but because they were moved unnecessarily. We would have continued to parent then until they were return to their Mother.
Our sweet baby girls due date is tomorrow, however she decided to make her grand entrance a few weeks early. I had to be induce due to low fluid. Labor was pretty intense but only lasted six hours. Lillian was born September 30th, and weighed in at 6lbs 12 oz. She has a head full of brownish/blonde hair. She has a very laid back personality just like daddy. She spends all of her time eating, pooping, and sleeping! She only cries when hungry and sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches at night. I'm totally in love!
When the boys weren't sick we spent our time trying our best to stay cool. We went to the beach, the pool, and the amusement park. We traveled to Virginia, and South Carolina. Being pregnant in 110 degree weather is NO joke. Walking outside in the heat made me sick to my stomach.
When I last blogged in June I told you all that Baby A and Big Brother D were scheduled to go home within 6-8 weeks. The caseworker assured us time, and time again that all was going according to plan. By the time August rolled around bio Mom had quit her job, and had no place to live. By the end of August we were told the boys were up for adoption. We were asked if we wanted to adopt them, but said no due to finical reasons.
My good friend and fellow foster parent had made it clear all along that she and her husband were interested in adopting the boys. The boys moved in with them September 15th. Shortly after they moved in bio Mom cleaned up her act and now the case worker say's (yet again) the the boys will be going home. Why is the system so back and fourth?
I was so annoyed when I found out that they will be going home. Not because I dont support reunification, but because they were moved unnecessarily. We would have continued to parent then until they were return to their Mother.
Our sweet baby girls due date is tomorrow, however she decided to make her grand entrance a few weeks early. I had to be induce due to low fluid. Labor was pretty intense but only lasted six hours. Lillian was born September 30th, and weighed in at 6lbs 12 oz. She has a head full of brownish/blonde hair. She has a very laid back personality just like daddy. She spends all of her time eating, pooping, and sleeping! She only cries when hungry and sleeps for 3-4 hour stretches at night. I'm totally in love!
Monday, June 20, 2011
Yes i know..
Im a bad blogger. Several people have emailed to see how we are doing so I figured it was time to update my blog!
Baby A is five months old and 21lbs! He rolls and scoots all over the place. Yesterday he got up on all fours and attempted to crawl! Thankfully his vomiting issues have resolved.
Big brother D is 22 months old and is chatting up a storm! He can count to three and identify most of his body parts. He has come along way in such a short amount of time.
Bio dads rights are scheduled to be terminated at the end of the month. He has not made any attempt to follow his plan and has made it clear he wants nothing to do with the boys.
Bio mom has never missed a visit, she has attended her parenting classes and goes to weekly therapy. Visits were increased last week. Ive been told the boys will return to mom with the next 6-8 weeks.
I will miss them greatly.
Things are going well with my pregnancy. Im 23 weeks today! Ive gained a whopping one pound! Ive been trying my best to stay cool, but with temps continually over 100 its hard!
We found out two weeks ago that we are having a sweet baby girl!!! (Got any name suggestions??)
That's all for now folks.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Staying down
Baby A is now holding down his formula!!! He has not vomited in five days. He is still spitting up but ill take that over vomiting. He is scheduled for an upper gi May 10th to see what's going on in there. He continues to gain weight and is now eating between 7-8oz every 3-4 hrs during the day.
Big bother D has discovered how to unzip and remove his footed PJ's and diaper which has resulted in a total mess. I don't know how much more of that I can deal with. Lets hope some safety pins will help!
My pregnancy is going well babies heart rate is between 145-155. Im starting to show despite the fact that ive lost weight. Morning sickness has become less frequent now that I know which foods to avoid.
Life is good but very busy!
Friday, April 22, 2011
Shortly after my post yesterday I took baby A to the doctors. They took him off zantac and soy formula. We will now be using a formula that has rice starch in it. They told me to try the new formula until monday.
The vomiting got much worse 10pm last night he was becoming dehydrated. So off to the ER we went. The ER docs were puzzled and didn't have any suggestions that I haven't already tried.
He has been able to keep down several ounce since 4am. Fingers crossed
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Im having feeding/ vomiting issues with baby A who is 3 1/2 months old. He has been a spitter since birth and was placed on soy formula at 4 weeks old. In the two months that we have had him he has had several vomiting episodes lasting 2-3 days. When I say vomiting I mean he pukes the whole bottle.
About two weeks ago the pediatrician (who sucks) put him on zantact twice a day. It made no difference. Its been about three weeks since his last puke session.
Tuesday night he vomited his 3am feeding about 30 minutes after he took it. He was fine during the day Wednesday. Last night he vomited both the 3am and 6am bottles. Both times it was within 30 minutes of drinking.
He burps well, we feed him upright and have lowered the amount he gets at each feeding. There is no consistency to the vomiting. Sometimes he's fussy other times he vomits and smiles. Any suggestions?
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Where do i begin?
First im sorry for the lack of posts we've been having major computer problems. We went from three computers between the hubs and I down to one. Hubbies school work trumps blogging so I never get on the computer.
We have had the boys for a little over seven weeks. The baby (baby A) is now three months old. Big brother D is 20 months old. Baby A has been sick non-stop since we got him. Two ear infections, vomiting, watery eyes, snotty nose, unexplained fever, etc.
Other than all of the sickness he is developmentally on target!
D has allergies nothing too serious. He is delayed in speech and gross motor skills. When he first came to live with us he didn't even know his name. He screamed constantly and didn't understand simple things. For example get your cup, lets go bye bye. He has grown leaps and bounds in the seven weeks that we have had him.
Mom has been following her case plan to some extent. Bio Dad is a bum and has only showed up once in seven weeks.
Hubby is finishing up his final semester in his senior year of architecture school so ive been flying solo.
Shortly after my post on January 30th, just two days before my due date with the little bean we lost I discovered that we are pregnant again! Im 14 weeks today and due October 9th!!! We've had an ultrasound and everything looks good. I bought a doppler so I can listen to the heartbeat whenever I worry. Morning sickness has caused me to loose 8 lbs so far. Im one tired mama!
Aside from computer issues ive just been way to tired to blog!
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